5 Week Dancehall Mastermind:

5 Weekly FGW Dancehall Classes with Kirby (attend live online, or train through recordings)

2 Choreography Tutorials with Kirby (1 Female Choreography broken into 3 parts, Unisex, smooth choreography broken into 2 parts)

4 Training Session with Jamaican Dancehall Dancers/Crews based on Jamaica.


2 playlists

Headtop Tutorial

Hip Flexor Stretching Tutorial

Hi, I’m Kirby, Founder of Femme Gone Wild Dancehall.

Dance Artist, Choreographer,

Instructor, Organizer of International

Dancehall Training Retreats.

I am very proud that Femme Gone Wild Dancehall has introduced more Canadian Dancehall enthusiasts to more training sessions directly with Jamaican Crews, than any other Canadian company.

Always a student: as a professional mandate I travel to Jamaica for intensive training yearly with Top Dancehall Crews.

My classes focus on appreciating the culture as a guest, and my participants participate within a safe and welcoming environment.


Join us today